With you in times of bereavement

At A.J. Adkinson & Son of South Wigston, we understand that you will need support, reassurance and guidance at this difficult time.
Let us help you find out what you need to know.

Death registration

A death needs to be registered within five days by contacting the registrar by a close relative of the deceased, a relative living in the district where the death occurred, the person present at the time of death or the person arranging the funeral.

Information you need to register

It is essential to register the date and place of death, full name of deceased, date and place of birth, occupation and home address. It is also important to provide details of any pension or public benefits that the departed may have. If the deceased was married, the full name and occupation of the surviving spouse must also be documented.

Here with you at every step

If death occurs at home
If the death takes place at home, contact a kind friend, neighbour or relative for help.

Contact a doctor
Inform the doctor that the death has occurred. The doctor may write the medical certificate of death when she visits the house, or may request you to attend the surgery for the same.

If death occurs in hospital
In this case you can apply to the hospital for the medical certificate of death.

The coroner
In cases where the death has been reported to the coroner, the procedure is different. The coroner and their officers work in your interest. A medical certificate of death will be sent by the coroner to the registrar’s office in the district where the death occurred.

Honouring your loved one is an important part of the grieving and healing process. We can help in putting together the perfect tribute. We offer a wide range of coffins, flowers, funeral transport, catering, memorials, and funeral planning services.

For bereavement advice and support, call A.J. Adkinson & Son, South Wigston.

0116 278 3381